Wedding Marquee Hire in StockportWedding marquee hire in Stockport from Signature Event Hire is your insurance of shelter should the weather be less than ideal. If your dream is an outdoor wedding we can suggest many gorgeous locations. If you want your wedding outside in your grandmother’s rose garden then that’s where it should be. There are several options available to you when you hire a wedding Marquee. The actual ceremony could take place outside with the view all around and guests seated outside. The marquee is there for emergency weather changes in case you have to move the wedding inside. Or, guest seating could be in the marquee with all sides up for an unobstructed view with the overhead canopy providing protection from the sun.

In that scenario, the reception could be held under the wedding marquee or off site at an indoor venue. In Stockport, wedding marquee hire from us will include everything you need for a beautifully decorated environment to conduct the ceremony and seat the guests. You could stock it with refreshments and emergency supplies for the wedding party. You would not need an overly large marquee especially if the sides can stay up. The other option is a larger marquee set up to accommodate the wedding reception party.  We can arrange seating and food preparation for a champagne and hors devours reception with the sides open and casual seating for small groups both inside and outside.

However, a wedding marquee hire in Stockport large enough for an elegant wedding ceremony, beautifully decorated and set up for a formal sit down dinner is available in several sizes. We can even offer you a large one with real windows. The caterers and band will have the electricity supply needed to do a splendid job. We can put down a board floor or just a stage area. It’s your wedding so the decisions are yours. Perhaps you are having an outdoor wedding and reception because that’s what you want. However, when you compare costs with many indoor venues and catering services you may be surprised at how much money you save. Maybe enough to extend the honeymoon. Contact Signature Event Hire and schedule a time for a consultation. You tell us what you want and we’ll show you how we can make it happen.